Load Flow and Power Factor Studies

Load flow studies identify and correct power system issues, such as overloads, load imbalance, harmonic problems, poor power factor or other operational issues.
A power factor study can identify how effectively you are using electrical power. By improving your power factor you can boost system capacity, improve voltage to equipment, and reduce power losses. Vertiv’s power system engineers can help you identify the issues behind a poor power factor and provide recommendations for correction.


  • Monitoring instrumentation is connected at the main supply switchgear or other key locations in order to collect load data
  • Data recording occurs over a predetermined period of time, allowing for ample periodic measurements and sample data
  • Comprehensive report provides all relevant monitoring procedure details and critical load information, as well as conclusions and recommendations that address the objective of the project


  • Verified power system capacity is a primary goal for load flow studies
  • Ensured compliance with inspector or building official mandates is possible by having details of the study and critical load information documented
  • Better knowledge of power usage is achieved with monitoring and performance trend analysis
  • Minimized capital and operating expenses are possible when adjustments are made as part of the study to improve your facility’s load flow